Acne Treatment
IPL triggers a biochemical response that will eventually kill the bacteria within the pores. IPL is a non-invasive solution to target active acne and to prevent further breakouts.

Acne Treatment
- Treating acne early may help to prevent scars
- Reduce scars
- Stop lingering spots from developing when acne clears
- Prevent mild acne from becoming severe
- Decrease the likelihood you’ll need stronger acne medicine
What Our Customers Say
Frequently Asked Questions
What does acne treatment involve?
Using non invasive facial exfoliation to remove the outer layers of the skin to target fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring and improve complexion.
How long before I notice any changes?
This varies from one person to another. It also depends upon the extent of your acne and the type of treatment you are having. Do not expect to see immediate results: it usually takes several weeks before you notice any difference.